Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Odd Soul - by Mutemath

Definitely a different flare than what they were doing before.  But needless to say, I don't mind.
Mutemath is from New Orleans, LA. The band Earthsuit was the first sign of vocalist/keyboardist Paul Meany, drummer Darren King, and bassist Roy Mitchell-Cardenas appearing on a large-scale music level – Earthsuit started as Meany and fellow singer Adam LaClave; another couple members joined by 1997, the year they released their self-titled EP (which has been dubbed “Headless Clown” due to its cover). They released their next EP, “Noise for the Eyes” [ind.;1998]* shortly after before their label release: an LP by the name of “Kaleidoscope Superior” on Sparrow Records, in 2000. A final album (“The Rise of Modern Simulation” [ind.; 2003]) came before the breakup, & Meany began to work with Darren King – who helped Earthsuit occasionally with percussion before becoming a full-fledged member just before their last album – in a production team they started, called The Digitals. They subsequently somehow (I’m not sure with what part, but nonetheless) had a hand in tobyMac’s album “Welcome to Diverse City” [ForeFront; 2004]. King had been sending demo tapes to Meany & they decided to collaborate in a small side project. The song “Typical” came as a result, & with the break-up of Earthsuit, “little by little, it just began to evolve”**. Mutemath has since released 2 LP’s, & the new one titled “Odd Soul” is to be released on Oct. 4th. This song is from “Odd Soul”.

* - I've started to list the label & year of the release of the albums listed if I don't specify... "album title"[label; year]  ; "ind." = independent    ~~~ just thought I'd clarify...
** -
*** - & I didn't get far enough into the history to bring up the fact that Greg Hill has left the band as of Oct. 2010 - "The split was certainly amicable & there are no hard feelings" - so there you have it.

1 comment:

  1. P.S. You really should check out all the other videos from the past couple months - the tidbits here & there with to set up some anticipation for the new album...
    Here: I'll help start you off:
    All the vids associated with the new album are on that channel ("weareoddsouls")
