Today marks one year of the passing of The Myriad's drummer Randy Miller...
The Myriad is based out of Redding, CA. Singer/guitarist Jeremy Edwardson & bassist John Schofield came together & formed The Myriad roughly a decade ago, inviting guitarist Steven Tracy, guitarist Jonathan Young, &, later, drummer Randy Miller to join. They released 3 EP's starting in 2002 before being signed to Floodgate Records & releasing their first full-length "You Can't Trust a Ladder" in 2005. 2 years after that release, they were part of MTV's 'Dew Circuit Breakout'; after being picked out by music critics, they were left to the people's votes to get them through the competition - subsequently, after being one of 12 finalists (of the original 4000), they won.
Somewhere in that timeframe, they switch over to Koch Records (E1 Music as of 2009) for their next 2 releases - the first being a prequel ("Prelude to Arrows EP"[2007]) to the 2008 release "With Arrows, With Poise".
However, in that same year, Randy Miller was diagnosed with chondrosarcoma, an aggressive form of bone cancer. The band took a hiatus over the next while, but as much of a fighter as Randy was, cancer overtook & he passed away November 5th, 2010.
This song is from "With Arrows, With Poise", & this post is dedicated to his memory.
See you in Heaven, brother.
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