Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Update (a blog-like post + a word for the day)

So, I've been slack in doing this Song of the DAY thing, & as such, I think I'm going to hold off on doing the research that I've been doing for these (well, not so much the ones in the past while).  I may provide some links, but I've to re-prioritize some things, & this doesn't quite top finding a job or starting a business.  That said, some of these posts may be later (possibly midnight on some nights), too, because I still want to do this daily, but don't always have time before 10pm.

Aside from that: I may have something kinda exciting to do with this blog within the next couple months that'll happen every now & again.  Stay tuned - it's gonna happen.

Otherwise: I feel I should perhaps make this more of a typical blog, & perhaps I will with some songs.  We shall see.

That said: I've been going through some stress lately, but it's somewhat the exciting kind & it's leading to some good stuff to come.  & lately I've also been getting more & more inspired in a few different ways, including simply just being a better person & sharing [God's] love a little bit more.  Which is good.

& as addressed with the title, I have a word that I'd like to throw out there for today.  Literally: a word.
It's a cool word.  It's also a song by Falling Up from their latest release "Your Sparkling Death Cometh".  But it's a cool word.  "(of biological processes) Recurring naturally on a twenty-four-hour cycle, even in the absence of light fluctuations".
Why is it interesting to me aside from the fact that it sounds cool & it's a Falling Up song?  Well, the concept of having a routine & regime sounds nice to me, & seeing as I need to work on/practice some things, it sounds like a good idea to find a routine.  Reminding myself that I need to follow a circadian schedule concerning something - say, songwriting - kinda inspires me to do it.

That starts tonight.

after some more homework.
But I hope 'circadian' inspires you a little bit to find something better in your life that'll become part of your 24hr. day, too.

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